NIXLE - Community Notification Service

The Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office is a registered contributor to the Nixle® community notification service. This web-based service, provided by Nixle LLC, is a geographic-based public notification system available free of charge to residents of Calaveras County. You are invited to register by going to

Once at, click the "Residents Sign Up Now" button to begin registering. You will be asked for your name, address, e-mail address, and cell phone number. The address is required to send messages relevant to your neighborhood. You will also be able to register additional addresses to receive alerts based on more than one location. Once registered, you will receive e-mail alerts and text messages from authenticated agencies like ours that serve your community. From within your Nixle account, you always have the option to define what notifications you receive and from whom. You may opt out of receiving messages from any participating agency.


Sign up here to receive messages by email & text message.


Nixle FAQs

What is Nixle?

18 November 2022

What is Nixle?

Nixle is a Community Information Service dedicated to helping you stay connected to the information that matters most to you, depending on your physical location. You stay connected to your local sheriff’s department, your children’s schools, your local community agencies and organizations, and the important information from other locations throughout the country that are relevant to you. Our service is built on the most secure, reliable, and high-speed distribution platform, ensuring that you receive trusted and immediate, geographically relevant information. Information is immediately available over your cell phone by text message, by email, and over the web. Your account can be customized so you receive the information that matters most to you. Whether it is where you live, work, or have friends or family throughout the country, the information is immediately available to you over your mobile phone, email and computer.

Can anyone track my location by using the system?

18 November 2022

Can anyone track my location by using the system?

No. Nixle does not track users.

Can I enter multiple addresses?

18 November 2022

Can I enter multiple addresses?

You initially enter one address to begin the registration process. Once registered, you can click on “Locations” and add as many additional addresses (locations) as you would like at no cost.

Can I limit the number of SMS (text) messages I receive?

18 November 2022

Can I limit the number of SMS (text) messages I receive?

You can limit the number of SMS (text) messages by adjusting the type of messages you receive. You can opt out of any service except public safety Urgent and Important messages. For example, you can choose to receive Urgent and Important messages on your mobile device and e-mail and community news in just your e-mail.

Can I register with an international telephone number?

18 November 2022

Can I register with an international telephone number?

No. Currently the service is only available with United States phone numbers.

Can I respond to a message?

18 November 2022

Can I respond to a message?

No. However, if you wish to share a crime tip or information with the agency that sent you the message, contact details can be found by accessing the alert online.

Can I use the system while traveling outside the United States?

18 November 2022

Can I use the system while traveling outside the United States?

If you can access your e-mail or the Internet, you can access Nixle messages anywhere in the world. You will also receive messages on your mobile device while overseas. Some mobile provider plans charge extra for overseas text messages; you may want to log in and change your preferences prior to international travel.

Do I have to give my mobile phone number?

18 November 2022

Do I have to give my mobile phone number?

No. However, the strength of the Nixle system is the delivery of real-time messages when you’re on the go. The best way to stay up-to-date with important information that could affect you and your family is to receive notifications by e-mail and mobile device.

Do I have to register to use Nixle?

18 November 2022

Do I have to register to use Nixle?

Anyone can view information by going to without registering. However, to customize the information you receive and the locations you receive it from, in addition to receiving information by text message and/or email you must set up an account. Once registered you can personalize your locations and your preferences, making the service fit your needs.

How do I change my password?

18 November 2022

How do I change my password?

Log in and click “Account.” On the “Account” page, click on “Change My Password” and follow the instructions.

How do I know an SMS (text) message I received is real?

18 November 2022

How do I know an SMS (text) message I received is real?

Nixle goes through an extensive identity certification and authentication process before authorizing any agency or organization to publish information into the service.

How do I unsubscribe?

18 November 2022

How do I unsubscribe?

Log in at and click “Settings.” There you can adjust which messages you receive and on which device(s) you receive them. You also have the option to eliminate all SMS messages under the “Account” tab. Should you wish to completely unsubscribe, simply send an e-mail to stating your desire to do so. You will be encouraged to review your settings prior to discontinuing service. Even after unsubscribing, you can still view Nixle information in real-time by visiting

How does registration work?

18 November 2022

How does registration work?

We ask for routine information in the registration process. First set-up a username and password. Then enter your address or closest cross-street. Then choose where you want to receive your information, whether by text over your mobile device or e-mail. Add as many locations as you would like at no additional cost. It’s that simple!

How many SMS (text) messages will I receive in a month?

18 November 2022

How many SMS (text) messages will I receive in a month?

This will vary depending on the number of notifications published. The service is simple to change SMS (Text) and email options.

What do you do with my contact information? Will third parties contact me?

18 November 2022

What do you do with my contact information? Will third parties contact me?

Information shared by users with Nixle is stored on a secure server in a secure facility. The company does not sell personal information to third parties. The privacy of your personal information is extremely important to us.

What if I forgot my password?

18 November 2022

What if I forgot my password?

Go to Look for “Forgot My Password”. Click on it and enter your e-mail address. A new password will be sent to you immediately.

What messages would I receive through Nixle?

18 November 2022

What messages would I receive through Nixle?

Only authenticated agencies and community organizations can securely publish information. There are four types of messages; many would refer to this as an emergency type alert), Advisories (less urgent need-to-know information), Community Information (day-to-day neighborhood to community-level information), Traffic (very localized traffic information).

Who do I contact for consumer support?

18 November 2022

Who do I contact for consumer support?

Please send all consumer support questions to: Please send all general inquiries to

The Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office intends for Nixle to be an additional source of information for residents of Calaveras County. While we intend for Nixle to be helpful during times of important incidents, Nixle does not take the place of the official emergency notifications conducted through "Code Red". During situations where the public is being asked to take immediate action to ensure their safety (evacuations, shelter-in-place, imminent threat to life or property, disaster notifications, etc.), the Code Red or EAS (Emergency Alert System) will be used as the primary means of community emergency notifications. Nixle Alert messages are only used to supplement Code Red or other notification systems.