The Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office is a registered contributor to the Nixle® community notification service. This web-based service, provided by Nixle LLC, is a geographic-based public notification system available free of charge to residents of Calaveras County. You are invited to register by going to
Once at, click the "Residents Sign Up Now" button to begin registering. You will be asked for your name, address, e-mail address, and cell phone number. The address is required to send messages relevant to your neighborhood. You will also be able to register additional addresses to receive alerts based on more than one location. Once registered, you will receive e-mail alerts and text messages from authenticated agencies like ours that serve your community. From within your Nixle account, you always have the option to define what notifications you receive and from whom. You may opt out of receiving messages from any participating agency.
Sign up here to receive messages by email & text message.