All visitors must check in at the front lobby counter. All 16 years and older visitors must present a valid government-issued photo ID with a current address. There are no age restrictions, but visitors who are 17 years or younger must be accompanied by a parent or guardian or with the permission of the Jail Commander or designee. No minor children shall be left unattended in this facility's lobby or visiting areas.
- Photo ID is required for all visitations. Every person who falsely identifies themselves verbally or by presenting any fraudulent written instrument to secure admission to the Calaveras County Jail is guilty of committing a misdemeanor. Penal Code Sec: 4570.5
- Visitors must submit to a search of belongings or a pat down search if there is suspicion you are trying to take contraband into the visiting area. Your visit will be denied if you refuse to be searched upon request.
- Visitors will not be allowed to carry personal items into the visiting area, including but not limited to cell phones, purses, backpacks, diaper bags, cameras, briefcases, tape recorders, food items, beverages, etc. The only items allowed to be brought into the visiting area shall be keys, ID, and a small wallet.
- Proper attire is required.
- Absolutely no cell phones, cameras, photography, videotaping, or computers allowed. Any person caught taking pictures or videos in this facility without the written permission of the Jail Commander will have the item confiscated, and the person or persons will be permanently ejected from this facility.
- During the visit, inmates or visitors are not allowed to write notes or use sign language to communicate. (Unless the inmate or visitor is hearing impaired.) Any violation of this rule will result in the visit ending.
- Defacing county property is punishable by law. Penal Code Sec: 4600
The following persons will not be allowed to visit prisoners in the jail:
- A person who has been released from the Calaveras County Jail on bond or by any other means, whose case has not been adjudicated.
- Any person who has been in the Calaveras County Jail within the last 90 days.