911 computer key image

Calaveras County Communication/Dispatch Center

The Calaveras Dispatch Center is dedicated to providing the most rapid, efficient, and appropriate response to any public service need arising in the community. Be assured that help is on the way in most emergencies while the operator still receives information from you.

The Calaveras County Public Safety Emergency Communications Center is a division of the Sheriff’s Office, including the Public Safety Answering Point (911) and Dispatch functions. While the center is the focal point of emergency service requests for Sheriff and Medical responses, it is also responsible for coordinating non-emergency responses to calls for service.

The center is the primary 24-hour staffed communications center in the community. Therefore, most of the challenges the Calaveras County Departments manage begin at the Communications Center. In an “ongoing” emergency, calling 911 is the most efficient and rapid reporting mechanism. If the emergency condition is passed, such as the incident that happened sometime in the past but is not currently taking place, the appropriate reporting mechanism is to dial (209) 754-6500 for law enforcement and medical support. With your assistance, minimizing 911 emergency calls allows operators to prioritize effectively, manage critical resources, and deliver efficient services to our community.

At a minimum, the Communications Center is staffed with highly trained and certified operators assigned to law enforcement, medical, and a supervising function. Each call is managed by an established computer-aided protocol designed to provide the most rapid, appropriate, and managed care available to the community. Therefore, it is vitally important that when reporting a circumstance, the caller remains calm, directly answers the questions, and follows the operator's instructions. The community's ongoing and continuous health, welfare, and safety are achieved with your assistance.

Communications Center FAQs

How do I get a Civil Standby?

12 December 2022

How do I get a Civil Standby?

Contact the Communications Center on the non-emergency line (209) 754-6500 at least one (1) hour prior to needing the standby. The Dispatcher will send a Deputy to your location if one is available.

If an in-progress priority call comes into the Communication Center the Deputy will be sent to that call first.

The Sheriff's Office provides Civil Standbys on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

How do I get a Copy of a Police Report?

12 December 2022

How do I get a Copy of a Police Report?

Police reports are available Monday through Friday from 8:00am - 4:00pm by contacting Records at (209) 754-6695.

Reporting Non-Emergencies

12 December 2022

Reporting Non-Emergencies

The Calaveras County Sheriff's Office 24 hour number for non-emergency calls is (209) 754-6500. The Deputy's response time to non-emergency calls depends on the seriousness of the incident reported and how many emergency and non-emergency calls in your area came in before your call.

Some examples of non-emergency calls are:

  • Burglaries that are not in progress or that occurred some time ago and the suspect is no longer at the scene of the crime
  • Stolen checks, credit cards or identity theft
  • Vandalism to property
  • Loud parties or music
  • Past incidents of child abuse, domestic abuse or fights
  • Runaway juveniles or missing adults that are not believed to be in immediate danger 
  • Car or building alarms
  • Loitering or disturbing the peace

Types of Emergencies Which Should be Called into 9-1-1

12 December 2022

Types of Emergencies Which Should be Called into 9-1-1

Crimes in progress, such as:

  • A fire
  • Serious illness or injury
  • Missing persons particularly children or elderly subjects

What is 9-1-1?

12 December 2022

What is 9-1-1?

9-1-1 is the number to call to summon sheriff, fire or medics in an emergency.

What is an Emergency?

12 December 2022

What is an Emergency?

An emergency is any immediate threat to life and/or property that requires a response from sheriff, fire or medical personnel. If you are uncertain if your situation meets these criteria you should call 9-1-1. It’s better to be safe and let the 9-1-1 dispatcher determine if you need emergency assistance.

What is Enhanced 9-1-1?

12 December 2022

What is Enhanced 9-1-1?

E-9-1-1 routes the emergency call to the nearest public safety answering point (PSAP) which is closest to the caller. This means that from your home (landline) phone the 9-1-1 service is then enhanced when both your phone number and home location are provided to the 9-1-1 dispatcher. Cell phones with GPS features show latitude/longitude co-ordinates but it is still essential that you tell the 9-1-1 dispatcher where you are.

What Questions will I be Asked?

12 December 2022

What Questions will I be Asked?

The dispatcher is trained to find out:

  • WHERE? Where is the incident taking place? Where is the fire? Where is the crime? Where is the patient? Where are you? Where is the suspect?
  • WHAT? What is the nature of the call? What are you reporting? What type of crime? What type of fire? Brush, structure, wildland? What kind of illness or injury.
  • WHO? Who is involved? Who needs an ambulance? Who are you? Who is the suspect?
  • WHEN? When did this happen? Is it in progress? Did it just occur?
  • WEAPONS? Are there any weapons involved? Does anyone have access to weapons?
  • SAFETY FIRST:  NEVER place yourself or other in danger. Do not attempt to apprehend or detain suspects.

What to Expect when you Call 9-1-1

12 December 2022

What to Expect when you Call 9-1-1

A trained 9-1-1 dispatcher will answer your call. Depending on the nature of the call, you will be asked to answer a series of questions. Listen carefully and answer all questions. The dispatchers are trained to ask certain questions to obtain critical information in order to provide the highest level of public safety response. While the questions may seem unnecessary the information they obtain will help to appropriately classify the call and get responders to the correct location as quickly as possible. It is vital that you remain calm and speak clearly. Know that help can be sent while the dispatcher is on the phone with you.

When NOT to Call 9-1-1

12 December 2022

When NOT to Call 9-1-1

  • To get the time or date
  • To get a phone number
  • To report improper parking
  • To find out weather conditions
  • To get road conditions
  • To report barking dogs
  • To report stray animals
  • To report missing pets
  • As a prank

When to Call 9-1-1

12 December 2022

When to Call 9-1-1

9-1-1 as created for emergency purposes only.

DO NOT call 9-1-1 for non-emergencies; this causes delays in the handling of true emergencies.

Who do I Call?

12 December 2022

Who do I Call?

Every day calls are made to the Sheriff's Office to report incidents that should be reported to other agencies, simply because the caller does not know who to call.

Here are some FAQ's to help avoid these incidents:

Who do I call to report:

  • Reckless Driver
  • Speeding Vehicle
  • Non-Injury Vehicle Accident

Contact the California Highway Patrol (CHP) at (209) 943-8600.

Who do I call to report:

  • Barking Dogs
  • Injured or Neglected Animals
  • Stray Animals

Contact Animal Services at (209) 754-6509. 

Who do I call to find out if it is a burn day?

  • Call Burn Day Information at (209) 754-6600 or (209) 785-7664.

The Sheriff’s Department does not have anything to do with determining burn day status.