Lake Contracts

The Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office holds several law enforcement contracts for police services with community lakes and recreation areas. The primary purpose of the contracts is to provide high-profile law enforcement services, crime-preventative action, and security while working in cooperation with Rangers to protect resources, property, and visitors. These contracts cover the costs of law enforcement provided by specifically assigned deputies who educate the public and enforce codes, county ordinances, and all applicable local, state, and federal laws.

Hogan Lake

17 November 2022

Hogan Lake

The US Army Corps of Engineers contracts with Calaveras Sheriff for law enforcement services in the area surrounding Hogan Lake during the busy season around summer from May until September. The lake holds a 4,400 surface acre area and 50 miles of shoreline including the surrounding north and south forks of the Calaveras River. Deputies work with Corps of Engineers Rangers patrolling the day use and campground recreation areas as well as the New Hogan Dam. 

Hogan Lake Map                Hogan Lake

Click for more information about recreating at Hogan Lake

Lake Camanche

17 November 2022

Lake Camanche

East Bay Municipal Utility District contracts with Calaveras Sheriff for law enforcement services at Lake Camanche.  With a 12 square mile surface area spread across three different counties, Calaveras Sheriff’s Deputies assigned to this contract patrol the south shore lake, recreation areas, and surrounding community.        

Camanche Lake Map               Camanche. Lake


Click here for more information about Lake Camanche

New Melones

17 November 2022

New Melones

The U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation contracts with Calaveras Sheriff for law enforcement services to New Melones Lake, Dam, and Power House. Areas patrolled by deputies include the lake and recreation district as well as the Stanislaus River and nearby Natural Bridges. New Melones Lake is a federal facility operated and maintained by the Bureau of Reclamation Central California Area Office who utilizes Calaveras Sheriff’s contracted services to enhance the safety of Reclamation staff and visitors, prevent many accidents, and help protect sensitive natural and cultural resources while maintaining the peace.

Melones Lake Map                 Melones Lake Image


Click here for more information about New Melones Lake