Neighborhood Watch

Neighborhood Watch is a program used throughout the nation where neighbors look out for each other. Assisted by Sheriff’s Office employees, a neighbor opens their home to the neighborhood, and a short but informative meeting is held. At the meeting, such things as when to call 911 are discussed, and a block captain is decided upon. Home Security is also discussed. The block captain becomes the direct contact for a designated Sheriff’s Office representative. A telephone chain is completed, and Neighborhood Watch signs are handed out.


Anyone interested in working with the Sheriff’s Office and forming a Neighborhood or Business Watch group is encouraged to call us at (209) 754-6500. Please provide your contact information and the program you are interested in, and a Sheriff’s Office representative specializing in community outreach will be in touch.




Neighborhood Crime Watch Logo

National Night Out

National Night Out is a National Event held on the first Tuesday of August each year. The Block Captains and members of neighborhood watch groups organize Neighborhood Watch block parties with visits from the Sheriff’s Administration and Deputies.

The event is designed to:

  • Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness.
  • Generate support for and participation in local anti-crime programs.
  • Strengthen neighborhood spirit and community policing partnerships.

Business Watch

Business Watch is a program of organized business people working with the Sheriff's Department to suppress crimes against businesses and crimes in commercial areas. Businesses, usually close to each other, form groups similar to the resident neighborhood watch program and not only help look out for each other but assist the Sheriff’s Office in due diligence with crime prevention.

Business Watch offers:

  • Commercial Security Survey
  • Crime Prevention Training
  • Workplace Violence Training
  • Training in fraud and detecting bad checks and counterfeit currency
  • Shoplifting Prevention Training
  • Robbery Prevention Training
  • Burglary Prevention Training
  • Internal Theft Training
  • Personal Safety/Safety on the Job Site Training



Business Alert Watch Logo