Adult Detention Facility

Chris Villegas, Custody Bureau Captain

1045 Jeff Tuttle Drive
San Andreas, CA 95249
Email the Sheriff's Office
Get Directions
PHONE: (209) 754-6499
Jail Fax: (209) 754-6716
Mon - Fri: 8am - 4pm
Closed Weekends & Holidays

Calaveras County Adult Detention Facility

The Custody Bureau Captain commands the Calaveras County Adult Detention Facility.

Custody includes the detention facility (County jail), work release program, prisoner transportation, and court security (bailiffs). It is responsible for the safety and security of persons pending trial or individuals convicted of crimes in Calaveras County. The county jail is the central booking and intake location for all law enforcement agencies operating in Calaveras County. The Sheriff’s Office is responsible for the care, custody, and control of individuals arrested in or transported to the custody of Calaveras County. The State of California and federal government impose standards to which the Sheriff must comply. These include minimum square foot living space, medical and dental treatment, and other tax-supported services.



Calaveras County Detention Facility Image